Attend an Upcoming Event
Find out about webinars, films, forums, community meetings, and other events occurring across North Carolina. Meet other engaged citizens, build your knowledge and connections.
Our webinars are free and open to the public but you have to register to attend.
Want to get people involved in learning more about public education in a way that’s fun and engaging? Host your own movie night – in person or virtual! We can show one of the films below to your school, civic organization, your PTA, church or synagogue, or other community venue. After the film, we’ll moderate an audience discussion and allow time for Q & A.
Resilience the film
Join us for this award-winning, 60-minute film, Resilience: The Biology of Stress & The Science of Hope! This powerful movie is a conversation-starter and a perspective-changer. We have several screenings scheduled throughout the year.
We hold an annual conference for public education advocates to learn more about the issues affecting public schools and how to be a better advocate.
Public Schools First NC holds candidate forums during important election cycles. In addition, along with our partners, we present, attend, or help our partners share their forums throughout the year.