Tweet Text to Support Federal Charter School Program (CSP) Regulations
- Thank you @SecCardona & @POTUS for proposing sensible CSP reforms. For-profit schools should not get federal $$. We agree. Let’s not fund charter schools that are a piggy bank for profiteers. #IsupportCSPreform @USEdGov
- Letter to U.S. DOE from 67 education & civil rights groups showed how the North Carolina SE CSP sub-grants made segregation worse. Thank you @SecCardona & @POTUS for sensible CSP regs. #IsupportCSPreform @USEdGov
- Thank you @SecCardona & @POTUS for regulations to slow down the creation of white flight charters. I don’t want my tax dollars used to promote segregation. #IsupportCSPreform @USEdGov
- Thank you @SecCardona & @POTUS for asking grant applicants to submit facts on enrollment. Unneeded schools close down or get CSP funds and never open. #IsupportCSPreform @USEdGov
- @SecCardona & @POTUS are not afraid to stand up to the charter lobby that fights every sensible reform. Thank you. #IsupportCSPreform @USEdGov
- Charter scandals are rampant. They don’t need to be. Good rules of the road can rein them in. TY @SecCardona & @POTUS 4 sensible regs 4 CSP reform. #IsupportCSPreform @USEdGov
- For-profit management companies have used CSP money to enrich their bottom line at the expense of students for years. Thank you @SecCardona & @POTUS for sensible regs for CSP #IsupportCSPreform @USEdGov
- Thank you @SecCardona & @POTUS for sensible regs for CSP reform. When money goes into the pockets of for-profits, less money goes into the classroom for students. #IsupportCSPreform @USEdGov
- Over 1 in 4 charters close in the first 5 years; by year 10, 40% are gone. Thank you @SecCardona & @POTUS for sensible CSP regs. #IsupportCSPreform @USEdGov
- A charter controlled by a for-profit EMO got a CSP grant even though it was a retread of a failing school. We need reform. Thank you @SecCardona & @POTUS for sensible CSP regs. #IsupportCSPreform @USEdGov
- NY Times reporter said CSP grants “invite fiction writing” It’s time for tighter regs @SecCardona & @POTUS Thank you for sensible CSP regs. #IsupportCSPreform @USEdGov
- Jailed fraudster Marcus May got millions from CSP to open and then exploit his schools. Time for tighter regs @SecCardona & @POTUS. Thank you for sensible CSP regs. #IsupportCSPreform @USEdGov
- New regs require states to better supervise the CSP sub-grants they award. Good for you @SecCardona & @POTUS! Let’s make sure tax dollars are spent wisely. #IsupportCSPreform @USEdGov
- New rules for transparency mean less charter fraud. Time for tighter regs @SecCardona & @POTUS. Thank you for sensible CSP regs. #IsupportCSPreform @USEdGov
- What Biden’s proposed reforms to U.S. charter school program really say in @valeriestrauss AnswerSheet
- Thank you @SecCardona & Pres. @JoeBiden for proposing sensible CSP reforms. #IsupportCSPreform @usedgov