Education historian and public school champion Diane Ravitch calls out Louisiana’s voucher program as a sorry example of education “reform.” “It is a living demonstration of what happens when public officials abandon responsibility for the children and institutions in their care. Watch what happens when the state gives children a voucher for public funds and […]
Posts tagged education reform
What Is the Role of Profit in School Refor...
Profiteers have no place in education. “Once people realize that their own children are being experimented upon and used for profits, the greed grab will end. The testing craze, the corporate education reform industry, the for-profit and non-profit charter industry, the online educational programing business, etc. will dwindle and either die out or become minuscule.” […]
Former State Superintendent Bob Etheridge and Others ‘Sound the Alarm’ For Strong Public Schools in ...
June 19, 2013. Parents, educators and members of the Boone Town Council joined former congressman and N.C. Superintendent of Public Instruction Bob Etheridge and Public Schools First NC for a press conference at Jaycee Park in Boone in support of strong public schools. So far, yesterday’s stop at Jaycee Park near Horn in the West is […]
Are School Vouchers Losing Stea...
“When news broke earlier this month that the Louisiana Supreme Court struck down Louisiana’s voucher system, which uses public dollars to pay for low-income students to go to private schools, the fight over vouchers made its way back into the headlines. The Louisiana program, pushed hard and publicly by Republican Governor Bobby Jindal, offers any low-income child in the […]