North Carolina’s families deserve a public education system that is inclusive, innovative, responsive,
and flexible; a system that operates within a framework of fairness, sound planning and local public
accountability for tax dollars.
- Adequate, equitable funding at the national average for all school districts, without diversion of
funds via vouchers to educational alternatives that lack public oversight and demonstrate even
less evidence of success for students. - Increased support for pre-school, because high quality, early childhood education is a wise
investment for communities and has lifelong, positive results for children. - Funded programs that encourage the training and retention of professional experienced teachers
and principals, whose salaries are at least the national average. - Manageable class sizes and a reasonable teacher workload.
- Acknowledgement that child poverty is an impediment to student success, with sufficient funding for additional programs and resources—including school nurses, social workers and
psychologists— that help address this challenge. - Reasonable means of measuring student success and teacher effectiveness that inform and
improve instruction. - A broad education—including literature, mathematics, the arts, history, civics, science, foreign
languages, physical education, vocational education and new technological innovations—that
allows students to thrive in a challenging, changing, and competitive global economy. - Time and money spent on hands on learning, creative problem solving, and a holistic curriculum
that prepares students for a successful future. - Learning environments that reflect the diversity of each local district.
- A healthy, safe school climate, including discipline practices that promote fair and respectful
treatment of students and encourage students to stay in school until graduation. - Excellent educational environments that are partnerships between schools, families, teachers and
the community. - A limited number of truly innovative, not-for-profit charter schools designed to work with local
school districts, managed with careful local and state oversight.