It’s not an idle threat. Teachers are looking elsewhere for employment. We hear legislators claim that our public schools are “broken.” They have it wrong. They weren’t broken until some of this legislation and the 2013-15 biennial budget was passed. This story is from Charlotte-Mecklenburg, but it could be from anywhere in our state. “They […]
Posts tagged budget cuts
Letter to the NC General Assembly: I Can No Longer Afford to Tea...
A North Carolina teacher shares the sad truth about teacher pay in North Carolina. We should not treat professional educators (Lindsay has two professional degrees and four certifications) like this. Here’s her letter: Dear members of the North Carolina General Assembly, The language in this letter is blunt because the facts are not pretty. Teaching […]
Vouchers Gain Ground, Public Education Loses in Final Budg...
Education reporter Lindsay Wagner of NC Policy Watch offers an excellent analysis of the impact of the biennial budget on public education. A key fact overlooked by some legislators who believe we are spending more on public education in the new budget: “…the 2014 fiscal year budget will spend $500 million less than the 2008 inflation-adjusted […]
Survey: Teachers Digging Into Own Pockets to Buy Education Produc...
With all of the teacher bashing that goes on, it’s nice to see facts like this that demonstrate the “above and beyond” dedication of educators. “Roughly half the amount that the nation’s public school teachers are spending on educational products is being covered with their own money, a new nationwide survey shows. All told, teachers […]