Read teacher Joel Orr’s letter to the NC General Assembly. Joel taught high school English for six years and is currently enrolled full-time towards his Master’s of English. Dear Members of the NC General Assembly, I was flipping through bill 402 for some light reading, and I found three lines that struck me as rather important. […]
Posts tagged budget
Our Amazing NC Teacher Assistan...
Did you ever wonder what the duties of a teaching assistant are and why TAs are so essential to an excellent education? Look no further than this list provided by the North Carolina Association of Teacher Assistants. The Governor’s proposed budget calls for a $114 million cut to teacher assistants that would eliminate 3,400 of these K-3 […]
Increasing class sizes like ‘herding cattl...
North Carolina’s public school children could return in August to very different classrooms if the state Senate budget is passed. The proposal is up for a second vote today before moving on to the House. It reduces the number of teacher assistants and pre-kindergarten slots, and it removes the cap on kindergarten-through-second-grade class sizes. Read […]
Increasing class sizes like ‘herding cattl...
North Carolina’s public school children could return in August to very different classrooms if the state Senate budget is passed. The proposal is up for a second vote today before moving on to the House. It reduces the number of teacher assistants and pre-kindergarten slots, and it removes the cap on kindergarten-through-second-grade class sizes. Read […]