In the Hickory Daily Record: “Catawba County Schools and Hickory Public Schools boards heard on Monday the same laments about the state budget likely to be passed in Raleigh and what it does to educational funding. ‘If you value larger classes and fewer adults working with our children; less instructional supplies and no pay increases […]
Posts tagged classroom
Two Worlds, One Scho...
Diversity makes a positive impact on all students. Here’s one great example. Winesburg Elementary and other nearby schools are a little-known success story in the public school system. These schools are attended by Amish and non-Amish children with different cultural practices and different home languages, yet students cooperate in the classroom and on the playground, […]
Meet NC Teacher of the Year Karyn Dickers...
Upon winning NC Teacher of the Year, NC State Superintendent June Atkinson commended Dickerson for her educational philosophy. “She encourages her students to think for themselves and provides them with numerous opportunities for open discussion and cooperative learning. These are valuable skills that will serve them well in further education and in their careers,” said […]
A Teacher’s Letter To The General Assembly, Part ...
Part two of teacher Joel Orr’s correspondence with the NC GA: Dear Members of the NC General Assembly, So I was flipping through the House budget proposal that started popping up on local news sites Friday, and I noticed a section within the proposal that struck me as ironic and frighteningly hilarious. It begins on […]