“Governor Pat McCrory spoke to the North Carolina Chamber of Commerce this morning and repeated misinformation circulated earlier in the week by the John Locke Foundation and Civitas Institute, two political special interest groups founded by the governor’s budget director Art Pope. In his remarks, the first term governor claimed North Carolina’s public schools received […]
Posts tagged funding
In Ohio, School Vouchers Overtaken by ‘Mission Cree...
HB 944, the school voucher (aka “opportunity scholarship”) became a part of the 2013-15 NC biennial budget. School vouchers are now the law in North Carolina. A $10 million line item for school vouchers seems small, on the scale of things. But once the law is on the books, there’s no telling how quickly the […]
The Cost of Child Poverty: $500 Billion a Ye...
The Washington Post’s Valerie Strauss writes about a new report from ETS (Educational Testing Service) that sheds light on the economic and educational effects of poverty. Writes Strauss, “The report also discusses modern education reform and its effects on the educational outcomes for poor children. It says that reform that fails to address the issue […]
Hickory, Catawba School Boards Condemn Cuts Made by Legislatu...
In the Hickory Daily Record: “Catawba County Schools and Hickory Public Schools boards heard on Monday the same laments about the state budget likely to be passed in Raleigh and what it does to educational funding. ‘If you value larger classes and fewer adults working with our children; less instructional supplies and no pay increases […]