Join us for a timely conversation with scholars Dr. Rachel White (University of Texas at Austin) and Dr. Rebecca Jacobsen (Michigan State University). We will review the research of Dr. White, co-author of a new study, “The Costs of Conflict: The Fiscal Impact of Culturally Divisive Conflict on Public Schools in the United States,” and Dr. Jacobsen, co-author of the forthcoming “The Politics of Disruption.” Their work details how the politics of disruption are costing public schools and how the disruption is negatively impacting school boards and eroding community trust. The consequences of our school/education wars are real and finding ways to resolve conflicts and work together to protect and strengthen our public schools are still worthy goals if we want to provide all children a high-quality, free and inclusive public education. There will be time for questions and answers. To prepare for the discussion, read the report:…/costs-of-conflict-report
The event is FREE, but registration is required:…/register/_whhN4LUS-2py8iy5STP3g