Approving Charter Applications Despite Poor Track Record The Charter School Review Board, empowered by House Bill 618 with a name change and the new authority, previously held by the State Board of Education, to approve charter school applications has wasted no time. In October, it voted to overturn the State Board’s previous decision to deny American Leadership Academy (ALA) – Monroe’s […]
Posts in category Charter Schools
Evolution of Charter School Sect...
Helen F. Ladd, Charles T. Clotfelter, John B. Holbein – Duke University A defining characteristic of charter schools is that they introduce a strong market element into public education. In this paper, we examine the evolution of the charter school sector in North Carolina between 1999 and 2012 through the lens of a market model. […]
Public Accountability for Charter Schoo...
Standards and Policy Recommendations for Effective Oversight The Annenberg Institute for School Reform (AISR) presents standards and policy recommendations to ensure that public charter schools are transparent and accountable. One recommendation is that public school districts and charter schools should collaborate to determine the location of schools and develop academic and extracurricular programs. To create […]